Every summer deserves a visit to the beach. This summer i’ve only been to the beach once and it was only for a couple of hours. Now i’m not a huge beach buff, but I should cap off the summer with some sort of exciting beach action. Why not go to South Beach, Miami. (said “beach” 5 times) Yezzir, this Thursday i’ll be flying down to Miami for a few days to soak in some sun and sip on fruity drinks with my shirt off lol. The initial reason for this blog post is not about the vacation so much but my style of travel.
This is the first trip i’ve taken in years with a group of people. I can’t really find the motivation to get excited about that part of it. Most of you know that I love to travel & travel alone. It’s not about the people i’m going with because they are all fun people but when I vacation I like to relax as much as I can. When you go with people it’s pretty much peer pressure to do something every night such as clubbing and lots of dancing. When I go somewhere I always realize that there's not a place to go where you can’t do exactly the same thing in NYC. Now I know it’s a completely different place but my type of “fun” differs from others. Some people don’t realize that fun for me can be laying around reading a script and listening to La Roux as opposed to going to a packed pool party and spending $15 on each drink. That’s the only problem I have with going away with groups.
It’s funny that i call this a vacation even though I know i’ll be working on several projects. I just can’t ever seem to get away from it. Taking me away from my work is like taking chocolate candy away from a savage baby. In any case I know i’ll have fun regardless of what I do and one thing I do know is that I will probably be intoxicated the entire trip but maintaining control so I won’t waste all my money on important things in life such as “women & drinks” hahaha
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