So this weekend officially kicks off the Summertime. People getting shore houses and counting down days for vacation yadda yadda yadda. That all sounds amazing BUT the summer is a long season. I'm hoping it won't be like last year with the buckets of rain pouring down from day to day and planned weekends being ruined just because of the weather.
Someone had said to me "oh Black you're gonna miss out on all the fun, this weekend will be epic!" so of course I was waiting to hear that and had a response ready to fire back haha so I says "look, i went to PSU and live in NYC...how much more fun can i ask for" and got a reasonable smirk (you're right) it's not like i don't wanna have fun this weekend but the financial state is questionable and the writing software coming in so I will have plenty to keep busy with. Lets just hope I can stay off facebook long enough so I won't see the pictures from the weekend fill up my news feed lol.
I do wish everyone a safe and fun Memorial Day Weekend which will kick off an Epic Summer...the cameras will be rolling for most of my adventures of course so stay tuned as the Blackmaiin Productions crew has a lot in store for everyone.
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