Well a few days ago I said I was going to do 11 blogs about 11 friends without realizing how long that would take. Sometimes when I write I can tend to go on and on about 1 subject and doing that 11 times will pretty much put someone into a complete bored stage haha. One day though i'll take the time and do it i promise, and i'll keep it short & simple. So this blog entry is just an update about my last blog entry saying that the previous blog entry will not be followed by the blog entries i was intending on blogging. Do u get it? I don't even get it. Anyways I will come up with another topic to ramble on about tomorrow or the day after. You just can't take my blogging times serious because my liiiife has events that come up the day before or day of. Welp uhhh the week is going swiftly and once again I ate out for dinner at PF Changs which was very good and I think I had a chance to get a number tonight but since I have no game I let the opportunity pass me by, so i guess it just on to the next one hahaha. I'll be back soon with some cool stuff to talk about, this week is pretty much full of business crap so I can't guarantee the next entry time even though i said the next day or 2. K BYEEEEEEEEEEEE
blackmaiin i loveeeee you