“No sacrifice, no glory” a phrase I’ve heard countless times. Today it came hard into play and I have a new found respect for it. Let me just break down the story.
A couple of weeks ago there was a script that went into pre-production and I had gotten word about it. A portion of people on board for the project are ones I had worked with previously. Let’s call the story “Bunson”. So when I was slashing through scripts as I sometimes do, I come across an un-produced script called Bunson. After reading it several times and making my minor corrections to it, I had visually watched this story come to life in my head. I relayed the story to some people and it was one that didn’t really catch anyone else’s attention.
Time goes by and I catch wind that this magical script I loved is going into production, Bunson was going to be made!!!. NOW the entire crew was set to launch but what do you know, the directors and producers have a little problem with working together so the directors get the boot. This is what I heard, so me happy as ever the dream position opens up I get giggles and immediately begged for a chance to be a 2nd or 3rd AD. The passing around of my name and me waiting had me all anxious but deep inside I was confident I’d at least have the shot to impress producers with my storyboards and shot lists.
This is where depending on others gets a little rough and matters must be taken into my own hands. For the past two weeks I’ve been hearing from other sources that the start date had been pushed back and I was going to get an answer and a chance to be on this set. In my mind I was set on being a credited director for this film and nothing else.
So today 2/16 the opening comes-a-knockin. I was well prepared to take this position knowing that other candidates had better qualifications than I, but I was like “Fcuk em i’m goin for it gotdammit” and so I did. Skipping forward about an hour, I began to understand that I wasn’t going to be picked for this part. My ambition and confidence still landed me a role on the set BUT it was for a position I didn’t want. I respectively said “this isn’t what I signed up for and thank you for the opportunity” and ended it right there. It was a no go for me to be a part of Bunson but I felt so much better knowing exactly what I was going for and being mature enough to just walk away from it. Some may say it was my stubbornness that came into play and it could probably be called for. I’d rather sacrifice not being on the set instead of being tortured for the three weeks of shooting while someone is the cool AD.
In the end of it, it’s nothing that’s gonna stop the day from going on and for other projects. Maybe another Bunson will come up or DUHHH I could write my own Bunson. When I was waiting to hear about the details on Bunson I have to admit I was in that “negative town” state where it was all I could think about and in that mind set I was mean to a few people who were only trying to get me out of my funk and I’d like to apologize to all of them bastids.
ANYWAY, I do feel a lot better now and will continue on with LIIIIFE in a much more relaxed manor.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Television Rules the Nation (Winter Shows)

These are the new shows I decided to tune in to this season. Shameless, a show about a drunk father and his six kids who pretty much are the trash family with class. Being Human is the show with 3 roommates and 1 is a vampire, 1 a werewolf and 1 a ghost and they all live together in an apartment in Boston. Next is The Cape, a show about a cop who was set up for multiple crimes and is now fighting back justice with a magical cape. After the first episode I’m not so sure I’ll be able to make it through an entire season. I was very interested when I read the pilot a few months back but after watching I uhhhh may have to make a switch. Million Dollar Money Drop is THE corniest game show ever but I love it. The purpose of the game is to make it through 8 rounds and keeping as much of the 1million dollars you start out with in the beginning. Fairly Legal airs tonight on USA. Honestly, the only reason I’m tuning into this show is because the lead is smokin’ and she wears court room attire AND she’s had a few one liners in movies I enjoy and I’ve always said “when will this woman get a lead” and voila she’s coming on tonight.
All these shows are the new ones I’ve decided to take a chance on so that I can keep my nightly tv/Frenzy time in order. There are many other shows I tune into but I just wanted to share the ones I’ve taken interest in for the winter season.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Black & White: It's Just Movies

Coming into this new year the foist thing I decided to do was give my apartment a swift cleaning. Going through desk drawers and shelves on book cases. I came across an abundance of game and movie tickets. The games are of course very fun to be at BUT I find it more entertaining to be in the movie theaters watching each and every flick that comes out, or at least as many as possible.
This year what we hope to do is start up a review type web show on films we see. We meaning one of my sidekicks Mr. Lawrence Toscano who usually joins me in the theaters to catch many movies. Last year I saw over 30 films in theaters and this year I plan on doing much more than that and with our movie experiences we’ll share our outlook on each movie with a rating and our opinion if it’s worth a watch.
I pretty much have the structure written out so far but now it’s time for us to get our asses back in the theater. I’m a camera shy type person so I won’t be posting any videos alone “ugly face” so from now on I’ll give a written review on each film I see alone on my website. Each webisode will go no longer than 5minutes so it’ll be bearable.
Welp, it’s about time to hit the ol’ dusty trail...i’ll be back later this week so stay tuned
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Time Is Now - Documentary (Update)
This film is taking a little longer to finish than I anticipated. I just wanted to let everyone know when I began shooting this Documentary I literally had no experience in how to shoot/develop/edit a film. You can say I’ve been learning along the way. With help from professionals on other projects I worked on, i’m taking notes on a constant basis.
What I plan to do with this film is finish creating 5 different cuts and screen each one with a different audience once they’re completed. By getting reactions from the survey cards I created I will then put the opinions and my thoughts into one final version.
Once the final draft is complete I have to go through the distribution part which will be intense because of the legal portion and where it will be seen. I know a film doesn’t become a movie until it hits an actual theater so that’s my goal. Locking down a theater in NYC and one in State College, PA will be the foist.
Tomorrow i’ll be talking about a new project I’ll be producing this year talking movie reviews with one of my sidekicks Mr. Totes.
Monday, January 3, 2011
2011 It's a Sleepy Celebration

HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!! I am amazed at how warm it was these past 3 days. Well let’s get to it. I am sorry that PSU had lost the Outback bowl. I wish I could comment on the game but I fell asleep mid 3rd quarter, or so I was told lol. Aside from that loss, all of my local teams came out with a W. The Giants didn’t make the playoffs so that’s a bummer. Jets post season action should be fun since the Colts are beatable this year.
OKAY let’s go with the official weekend recap. With my sleep struggles, I had made it a point to take sleep medications on Thursday evening so I could be well rested for the NYE party and continuing throughout the weekend. Of course the meds didn’t kick in until Friday afternoon when I was already in my “go time” stage. When you combine sleeping medications, drinking 5hour Energy and alcohol it can only mean one thing...the unexpected ultimate crash. At the start of the evening a group of friends and I went to dinner at Tao restaurant in Midtown East for an awesome meal. Typically I got FAT and enjoyed the hell out of it. Next stop was the pre-game where after two drinks I could easily feel my body struggling to stay awake and had no clue how I was going to make it out the entire night. Once I arrived at the party I was overwhelmed with how great it was so my reserve energy source had kicked in until about 1am.
Woke up on New Years day around 9am and was full of energy and of course had to hit 7A before the PSU game since it’s now considered one of my rituals. After one bloody mary the buzz hit right away. After arriving at Sidebar and having my first beer, I knew the exhaustion was going to kick in. BOOM! around the 3rd quarter I was asleep yet again.
On Sunday it was time for the Knicks game and I don’t even think I have to tell you but by the 8 minute mark in the 2nd qtr, I was K.O’ed. In all these event I was glad I had dependable people keeping me safe and luckily not being removed from all of these places.
It’s now 2011 and one could think that my new years resolution would be not to fall asleep in public places. That is just one thing I never care to resolve lol. I am more of a January 7th resolution guy because everyone seems to be busy working on their resolutions on the 2nd day and most will fail to follow them by the end of the first week.
Next blog will talk about the completion process of DC-17 Documentary The Time Is Now so stay tuned for that ladies and gents. Have a wonderful beginning to 2011 and live it up to the maximus.
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