Tuesday, April 27, 2010

After 7 Years...DAMN

As I sit at my desk and read my facebook news feed I couldn't help but notice all of the pictures flowing around from this past weekends festivities up at my Alma Mater. It looked like a hell of a time during Blue White weekend at Penn State. After 7 long years of religiously being involved with that weekend, I decided to take a break from it this year. It's not like I'm against it or anything, but I feel like i've ran my course at that school. Of course things would have been different if my favorite club "LuLu's" was still open and my former roomies were in attendance, but that wasn't the case. I think I dedicated about 5-7 minutes of my time glancing at pictures saying in my head "oh man, that looked fun" but the whole process of driving there and driving back was not in my tank.

With film school coming upon the final month, I decided to stay in the city and attempt to get some work done and attend the Tribecca film festival for a day or two. It was a decent weekend for the most part with a few parties and of course some random experiences but that's what I live for. Anyway I just wanted to state that if I ever do go to PSU again it will never amount to the fun I've had when I was a student there because times like those can never be repeated.

I also wanted to congratulate my former teammates and friends who made it on to an NFL roster this past weekend. It definitely is an exciting journey for them and for me to say "I played with those guys" (no homo) but all in all it's now time for them to do what they love AND get a little change for it at the next level. That is what I learned to do in my profession =). I say to them all good luck and keep on trucking. My next blog will be focusing on how and what I intend on doing post Film School and the few risks I'm willing to take to make it far in this gotdamn industry...Hollywood, here comes the Blackmaiin "RAWRRR" haha


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Draft Day is Among Us

With the draft a day away all I can wonder is..."where are my boys gonna end up?" This day for so many is such an emotional day. These athletes work hard their entire lives for this one day and sadly a lot of them won't make it to the toughest level, the NFL. My hopes and prayers go out to all attempting to further their career. When I watch the shows talking about the draft and the upcoming season I always come away with a little more knowledge about what team is looking for who and so on. I actually had the opportunity to attend the draft BUT I have film class, boo freakin whooo lol. Obviously I'll be keeping the updates on my phone every 30-45 seconds. I am actually more upset I couldn't be in Ohio with the Clark family to tape the intense atmosphere that will be taking place this weekend.

This past weekend two of my former roommates came to NYC so we could finish off the interview sequences for the film. I am honored to have filmed Daryll's final season up to this point in the documentary. All that is left is a few closing segments and a few more scenes with Daryll's family and of course my cameo in the film which will be fun. All in all I can't wait until post production part of the film so we can start writing and gathering all the stats to throw in. This has been a very very long process but I want this project to be the best I can make it.

On a closing note, PSU has it's annual Blue White Weekend and this will be the foist year I will not be in attendance due to work and another interesting weekend/week taking place in the city. Stay tuned for the details


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Go Yankees!

So yesterday I went to my first Yankee game of the season. This was a different sort of event for me. I decided to get myself a cheap ticket and since it was a day game I tried to advance to the more expensive seats. Turns out my confidence and boy band-ish looks didn't do much justice for long. I proceeded to go down to the company seats behind home plate and I got a chance to sit for about 5 minutes until an usher asked for my ticket. I didn't even respond so I just walked out and went into the handicap section where I started a conversation with a man in those seats. Being at games alone has it's advantages because it's much easier to be sneaky and bounce around. I enjoyed the game for the 6 inning I was there but became tired quickly of the $10 beers and not being a true fan so I bounced. Next time I go to a Yankee game will be a night one so I can capture a few good pictures and post them because that is what I like to do for fun. A lot will be going down for the end of this week & weekend so I will attempt to post a cool story about the adventures. Until then....BYEEEEEEE

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's About Damn Time ;)


The website is officially here!!! it took a long time of procrastinating and staring at an empty page. Since I did the site on my Mac, I really couldn’t make it look like the original drawings i made a while back. It doesn’t really matter, as long as I got it started. The website features all of the projects I am currently working on and more pages will be coming soon. The main reason for this site is to display all of my ideas and the progress of them. I will “try” to upload new items everyday so I can keep people entertained. Other than that School is a little over a quarter done and my filmmaking skills are increasing. My first project for class didn’t come out as I expected but that’s the beauty of film. It can look a certain way but I can always say “I purposely made it look like that as the director” haha we’ll there’s some more cool stuff going on this week so I’ll try and keep you readers posted as I am usually awake 21 hours a day lol